Tuesday, September 27, 2016

My self, err Pen Portrait

A sort of a Pen Portrait.

A cartoon portrait of the blog author's pen name alter ego.
I needed something to put on this blog.

As if it wasn't clear that W.M.BäT is supposed to mean Wombat. I have painted a little cartoon self, or should a say, pen portrait based on my nom de plume, my pseudonym, my name de gurre as it were. Okay so I'm a ham! What do you expect from someone who draws?

Friday, September 23, 2016

A bit more practice at this blog.

A bit more practice at this blog.

Why I created this blog.

So I created this blog to show off my art and writing as part of a course I am taking.
I will also be posting video of some sort, perhaps a speed painting or something.
At some point in the future I am going to have to decided to either create a separate fan art blog or not.
It boils down to weather or not I can use ads or not on this blog.

Why I want to have ads.

The oldest reason of course, money.
I want to earn a profit from my work, I can't do that unless I either sell my work to a publisher, and that is quite difficult right now as I am an unknown, and when it comes to art, well, it's murky in that area.

Having ads would be a great thing if I get enough visitors, but right now I don't even have one, though I will be making steps to alter that soon, very soon.

See ya!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

A quick tip about writing on blogger.

Hello this is my first scheduled and unscheduled post!
That is I wrote this on the spur of the moment, but I scheduled it for later.

Since I will be posting writing to this blog I realized I was going to have trouble if I could not indent, so I did some research and I found that some people were using an extra <div></div> tag to add an indent, but that also adds an extra margin, so I tried to use a <span></span> tag. At first I couldn't get that to work because a <span></span> tag is an inline element, but all I need to do was set it to display as a block

Here is the code I used.
<span style="display: block; text-indent:4em;"></span>

Now my paragraphs can be indented.

Now for some writing to illustrate my point..

I sat at my desk trying to make Blogger give in to my reasonable demand, is it so much to ask to be able to indent my text, it's not as if I am asking them to completely change their code am I? Suddenly I remember that the span tag exists, I hurry to try, only to discover it does not work, for alas! It is an inline style tag! But Wait! Theres More! Is there not a way to change a tags display style? Why yes there is! It is but a simple matter to change the display, I simply add display:block; to the style tag and it is done.

Neat Huh!

I also found out that if I copy from my word processor it keeps the formatting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First post

So I figure the best first post I can make is one explaining what I plan to do here.

Introduction time.

I will be going by my pen name for privacy reasons and I didn't think of that at the time I made the generic admin user name but I think I will stick with that.

As to why my pen name is W.M.BäT, yes with an umlaute, its rather a personal one but I needed a pen name and wombat was suggested, I felt that it would be better if I made a "normal" sounding name that happened to phonetically spell wombat.

As for the umlaute, it has two purposes, one is that it looks like a wombats face, with the dots as the eyes and the a as the nose when written in all caps, two it makes it sound like Wombot, which goes well for me because I like giant robots as well.

No I am not a weirdo. I will explain more at a later date.

What I am doing here.

Well I cam creating this blog for three reasons one is to show of my art and writing, another is because I want to make money, the third is I need to make one because I am taking a blogging course.

I am hoping that I can post at least once a week but I may have to settle for once a month until I can create a backlog of what I have.

What I am hopping to post are excerpts of my stories and on occasion the full story as well, as a matter of fact I think I will try to create a story for my next post, followed by a sketch then a water color, I hope.

I will also be posting some, for lack of a better term, article type stuff since I have ideas I want to get out of my head.

I would post the pictures I entered in a local art show, but my privacy senses are yelling bad idea so I shall wait.

As for my art I am generally a cartoonist type, and while I may create a fanart blog at a later date, what I will be posting here will be strictly mine. I will be posting a range of subjects, and that will include pinups, poses, studies, illustrations, and some will be of human, machine, animal, anthro and supernatural type characters

So that's all for now, time to take a bow.