Beware Inktober!
I decided to take on the Inktober Challenge.
I have created a nice little list of what I want to draw, I am going to try to create one image a day but there is a catch.
I am going to try create an ink drawing each day thru October
BUT! The Watercolor will be added when I choose to.
As for the image.
What do you think? rather nice little Ink Demon isn't it?
I really like to use complementary colors for shading, and while I would prefer to make the shading softer, I'm afraid I haven't figured that out yet.
As for the fingers, I actually do draw fingers differently then this, however he is supposed to made out of ink, that means he should be rather droopy.
When will I be posting.
I will try to post once per day, assuming I can finish the image in time, on the other hand I might just do a "art dump" on Fridays.
Well that's all I have to say.