Sunday, May 1, 2022

I still function!!!... Place your bets folks...

Cross Post from

Hi everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while but it’s because I have been having health issues lately.

I figured I should post an update to my Accounts so people understand that I haven’t disappeared, and because I wanted to address some things.

I will continue posting my art on Twitter for the time being, I have only just started to get some attention so I figure I should give it a shot (but if the new owners try anything funny…)

In the meantime the other places you can find my art at:

I am also working on a website for myself which I will link to in the future.

In other news I am going to try to do Mermay this year, but with a catch, I won’t be doing a full background for my pictures, they will be quickies, I won’t do any fancy shading as I want to focus on getting back in the habit, I will however consider turning some of them in to full pics if they get enough attention.

I also have gotten a new PC so I might start working at Blender 3d and I might even start streaming again in a few months, provided my body stops pretending it’s Starscream. 

Well have a good day!

I’ll be posting another piece of art soon.